About us

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Our definition of Student Voice

Student voice has 3 key components:

  • Sharing thoughts, ideas, & opinions that are genuine in an environment underpinned by trust & respect

  • Offering realistic suggestions & expectations for the good of the whole

  • Accepting responsibility for not only what you say but what needs to be done

Our why 

We believe:

  • Authentic partnerships with students will create and maintain safe, inclusive and engaging learning communities so that students can reach their full potential and make a positive difference in the world. ​

 Our how thumbnail (1).png

We do this by: 

  • Acknowledging that students know their world best, they know what works for them and​ what does not.  

  • ​Recognizing students' right to express their opinions and participate in matters that impact on their educational experience. 

  • ​Empowering students to actively shape Brisbane Catholic Education. ​

Our what 

We focus on: 

  • Creating platforms for student voice in Brisbane Catholic Education. 

  • Strengthening structures that enable student voice in Brisbane Catholic Education. 

  • Creating student voice opportunities for staff and students in our schools and in Brisbane Catholic Education. 

  • Building the capacity of students and staff to establish student voice in the BCE   ​community of schools.