Over the Coming Months” Survey

In the context of significant change for BCE schools during the COVID 19 Pandemic, the importance of connecting with students and getting their feedback and ideas on what they need during this time, presented a significant opportunity for BCE to ‘hear’ the voice of students.
The purpose of the survey was to give BCE students an opportunity to share their views about COVID-19 and learning from home, to identify what is working well, and contribute to improving students’ learning-from-home experience. This document provides an overview of key findings from the survey.
Information was gathered about the following topics:
- Learning from home
- Student safety, support and wellbeing
- Engagement of student voice in planning
Download Snapshot Report here (public access)
Download Full Survey Report here (BCE staff and student access)
Student Safety Report

The Student Safety Report provides unique student insights into safety at school. The report draws on the perspectives of over 500 BCE students from Years 5-9. It explores:
- students' views on safe and unsafe school spaces
- reports on the students' audits of their school's existing safety initiatives
- provides suggestions on what adults and students can do to makes BCE schools even safer for students.
The BCE Student Voice Initiative would like to thank the following schools for their participation in the pilot:
- St Francis College, Crestmead
- Emmaus College, Jimboomba
- St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Bracken Ridge
- Mary Mackillop College, Nundah
- St Augustine's College, Augustine Heights
- St Peter's Primary School, Rochedale
- Queen of Apostles Primary School, Stafford
Download here:
BCE Student Safety Report 2018.pdf