Student Voice in Primary Schools

​​​​BCE Student Voice opportunities support primary schools to engage students in the day-to-day life and decision-making of their schools. 

Operation: Activating Student Ideas  




Operation: Activating Student Ideas is a special agent themed resource using the philosophy of student voice to empower students to engage in conversations about safety in their school.  It gives students an opportunity to take action which co-creates safer and more inclusive school communities. 


Teachers engage as Field Support Agents, guiding students through a series of mission objectives.  The goal is to implement a safety solution in the local school context.  Students access a range of resources to help them reach their goal, from undertaking investigative surveys to hearing advice from the Headquarters Tech Guru.  


The Operation: Activating Student Ideas resource is designed  for  primary school students in Years 5 and 6. 


Two Missions  

  • Mission Safety Warriors: Students investigate safety worries discovered through safety-based discussions.  They use a range of tools and processes to develop a persuasive digital pitch.  The purpose is to convince other students to vote for their issue so it will be actioned as one of the school's top safety worries.  

  • Mission Changemakers in Action: Students focus on finding solutions for the top safety worries identified in Mission: Safety Warriors.  They consider a range of solutions, decide on a solution, create a prototype, gather feedback and finalise their solution. They then LAUNCH it in their school community.    


Curriculum Links  ​

Operation: Activating Student Ideas ​was developed in partnership with an external Education and Leadership Consultant, the BCE Student Voice Advisory Team and staff from the Learning Services Directorate.  The resource presents opportunities to link to the Australian Curriculum, particularly in relation to Health and Physical Education, Media Arts, Technologies, Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the General Capabilities.  

Delivery  ​

The resource has been designed for flexible delivery to meet individual school contexts.  Examples of delivery options include:  

  • 1-year delivery: One mission per semester 
  • 2-year delivery: One mission per year 



Coming Soon  

​Classroom Strategies - Check back here for various strategies to build opportunities for student feedback and input in the classroom setting.   

