BCE Student Voice Consultants

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BCE Student Voice Consultants are a team of students from Year 7​ to Year 11 who are passionate about making positive changes in BCE schools.  The team advocates for students to have a say in the decisions that impact on their school experience and guide the BCE Student Voice initiative. ​

Meet the BCE Student Voice Consultants ​​​​for 2024!


Student Voice Consultant Team 



Hey there, I’m Annabelle, and I’m in Grade 8. I’m so excited to be part of the Student Voice Consultant team this year, where we’re all about making sure our voices are heard! A little about me: I’ve been playing netball for nine years (basically forever!), I’m a big fan of reading, and I absolutely love the beach. For me, joining the Student Voice Team is all about making sure students like us are listened to. I truly believe that when we speak together, we can make our school experience even better. I’m excited to see what this year holds and to be part of the 2024 team!



Hey, everyone! I'm Ely, and I'm currently in grade 8. I love being active and going outdoors: cycling, eating, reading, and binge-watching movies/shows, and I LOVE to travel. Learning and trying new things are my favorite activities. My enthusiasm for helping others and having a growth mindset led me to become a consultant. I believe I can make a difference in this world, even if it’s a small step. As a consultant, my goal is to create awareness regarding student voice concerns that get overlooked so all BCE schools have a sense of belonging and help create a joyful atmosphere for everyone.​



Hey everyone! I'm Sanmeet, and I am in grade 9. I really enjoy going to school—especially studying Japanese and Science. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Student Voice team. I am passionate about Mental Health and supporting LGBTQIA students. Being part of the student voice team has been incredible; I've already made so many cool new friends. I'm genuinely excited about the year ahead and collaborating with more people to create a difference in BCE schools and education. Let's work together to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all students!

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Hey there! What's up? I'm Finn, and I'm thrilled to be part of the Student Voice team this year! My true passion lies in STEM. I love getting hands-on with experiments and projects—it's like unlocking a world of endless possibilities! In addition to my academic interests, I'm also deeply passionate about giving back to my community. Whenever there's a need, count me in—I'm always there to support and lend a hand. I became a consultant because I genuinely want to improve students’ participation in school. I believe that every student has a valuable perspective to share, and I want to help develop the Student Voice team to make sure that all voices are heard. Let's work together to create a positive impact and make our school life even better! 🌟



Hey, I’m Shraddha, excited to be in year 9 and starting my third year as a Student Voice Consultant. I’m passionate about music, sports, art, academics, and always eager to learn. Creating safe, inclusive environments where everyone belongs drives me. I love empowering others to raise their voices and feel valued. Being part of the Student Voice initiative has been incredible! I've developed confidence, public speaking, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills. Proud of our achievements, I'm eager for what this year holds. Let’s champion a world where every voice matters! 

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Hey, I'm James, and I'm in Year 9. Learning Japanese interests me, and I'm hoping to visit Japan one day for a year-long exchange program. I'm also really into cars, and I hope to study mechanical engineering in the future. I became a consultant because I want to help students facing educational challenges to have the same opportunities I do, like attending university and securing future jobs. I believe that student voice is important, and I want to work towards making our educational experiences more memorable and enjoyable for everyone. Together, let's collaborate to ensure our educational needs and desires are met respectfully and appropriately. 🚗



Hi, my name is Molly, and I am in year 8. I am excited to be a part of the team this year. I hope we can work well together. A few of my interests are pottery, playing tennis, and watching shows on Netflix. Some things that I am passionate about are gender equality, LGBTQIA acceptance in the community, and caring for our environment. This year, I hope that we can all make a great team and overcome any challenges we may face.



Hey everyone! I'm Hayden, a hardworking grade 8 student who's passionate about AFL, boxing, socializing, and exploring new places. I'm also into wood tech, food tech, and digital tech. As part of the 2024 Student Voice Consultant team, my goal is to bring a fun and inclusive experience to all of BCE's many schools. Let's work together to make schools more enjoyable and inclusive for everyone! 😃🤩

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Hello, my name is Lucy, I am in Year 10 this year, and I am very excited to be back in the consultant team for a second year! I enjoy sports like football and athletics, as well as music. I am passionate about Student Voice and want to help give everyone a voice to share their opinions without judgment.​⚽️ 



Hello everyone! I'm Isabella, currently in grade 8, and I'm passionate about art, cultural studies, and music (especially j and kpop!). My focus for 2024 as an SV consultant is on reshaping how BCE schools address mental health and student wellbeing. Every student, regardless of differences, deserves a school environment that fosters security and support. Through even the smallest adjustments in our approach to student health, we can enhance their school experience beyond measure. The potential of students knows no bounds. Together, let's pour our efforts into 2024 and strive for the best outcomes! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧



Hey everyone! My name is Sophie, and I’m in Year 9. I love all things English (including reading and creative writing), and I’m overjoyed to be joining the 2024 Student Voice team! My last two years in this initiative have taught me more than I could've imagined, and this year I’m aiming to use my passion for change to expand student voice at my school. I can’t wait to see what this team ​​will achieve, and I firmly believe the sky is the limit for all students working to change the way we see education! ​



Hey :) I'm Viona, from grade 7. My biggest passion is technology; I love the components and specs of it! I'm also a massive book reader, and I really love astronomy too! Another one of my passions is looking at the effects of climate change, and I hope in the future, people will take more action against it! This is my first year as a Student Voice Consultant, and I'm thrilled to be a part of the team! This year, I want to ensure that all of my peers have their voices heard and nobody is left out. I hope this year will be a blast! 🚀



​Hi! My name is Seb and I am currently in Grade 10. I love scrapbooking, reading and hanging out with my friends. My goal for Student Voice this year is to improve my leadership skills and meet new people! I am so excited to continue with Student Voice for my second year!



Hi everyone! I'm Sophie, a Year 9 student with a passion for Musical Theatre, reading, and binge-watching TV (especially musicals). I'm excited to be part of the consultants team in 2024 and make a difference. I am particularly thrilled to have a voice in areas I wouldn’t normally be able to contribute to, such as the wellbeing of students in BCE schools. I hope to encourage others to join Student Voice. My main goal this year is to increase student engagement in school communities and foster acceptance of diversity. I'm thrilled to embark on this journey and make a positive difference during my time here! 😊​



Hey there! I'm Jordan, currently in year 8. I'm fascinated by astronomy, pop culture, and art, and I have a soft spot for axolotls and lynxes. I applied to be a consultant because I believe Student Voice deserves more emphasis, and I'm determined to change that. My vision is for our schools to become safe havens where students can freely express themselves and receive adequate mental health support. Collaborating with the Student Voice Network has been fulfilling, and I'm eager to inspire more individuals to join. I'm genuinely excited to explore the new opportunities this year holds and to see what positive changes we can bring about!



Hey, I'm Mariz, a Year 7 student! I love playing the piano, and I'm very good at digital drawing. I enjoy socializing and helping people. I joined Student Voice because I want to serve in the BCE community. I like participating in leadership programs and improving things. I also joined because I want to make new friendships and connect with even more people. As a consultant, I aim to help the BCE Student Voice community grow stronger by promoting the network!


Hi, I’m Vaishnavi, and I’m in Year 9. I’m super thrilled to be part of the SV Consultants team! I’m really into K-pop, K-dramas, food, and anything related to Korea. I joined Student Voice because I want to make a positive impact on our community. Sharing my culture is something I love, and I want to inspire others to do the same without feeling embarrassed or judged. I’m hopeful that Student Voice in 2024 will help schools across BCE embrace our multicultural community.

Student Voice Peer Mentors and Ambassadors



Hey, my name is Ethan and I'm excited to be back for my third year in the Student Voice initiative, this time as a volunteer. I am passionate about creating a fair and inclusive education system that engages and empowers all students, regardless of their age or abilities. I'm always eager to learn from others and use my knowledge to make positive changes in educational environments. Through Student Voice, I have had the opportunity to advocate for students across the Brisbane Catholic Education community and make significant accomplishments in my own school community in 2022. I am eager to continue supporting this growing initiative and see where it will lead us in the future. ​🎓 



Hello there, I’m Louie and I’m in year 12 student. I’m always curious about learning new things, which led me to explore my passions in diverse areas. From music (playing guitar, piano, saxophone, and drums) to business (entrepreneurship, marketing), graphics (video editing, graphic design, animation, and photography), media (YouTuber, fashion), sports (table tennis), and, of course, Student Voice—I'm always eager to try something new. Being part of the Student Voice team since 2020 has been an incredible journey, and I'm honored to continue as a BCE Student Voice Peer Mentor for the second year. Empowering others to become agents of change in their communities is one of my favourite aspects of Student Voice. Through my involvement with this initiative, I've grown in leadership, communication, organization, and teamwork skills. It's been a transformative experience that has enriched both my personal and professional growth. My hope is that Student Voice will continue to thrive as a platform that effectively conveys student ideas and thoughts to BCE executives, resulting in ​safer, more inclusive, and engaging schools for all students.


